3 Steps To Keep Your Mind Sharp At All Ages

As we age, we naturally experience a decrease in cognitive functioning – that is, a decrease in our ability to think, concentrate, pay attention and remember information. This is an integral part of the aging process, and it’s normal to experience a decline in cognitive abilities as we get older. But there are steps we can take to maintain a sharp and healthy mind and keep our mental faculties sharp no matter our age. Here are three tips:

1. Exercise regularly. Exercise is one potent way to keep your mind sharp. Through regular physical activity, we can maintain and improve our overall cognitive functioning. Research has similarly suggested that this type of exercise can positively affect our mental functioning and help us preserve and increase Brain Training, a measure of our mental sharpness.

2. Incorporate mindfulness. Mindfulness, or the practice of moment-to-moment awareness of our thoughts and feelings, can help us age well mentally. Regular mindfulness practices can help maintain our cognitive abilities, including memory, executive functioning, and vocabulary.

3. Take cognitive tests. Keeping track of your cognitive abilities over time can help you identify potential issues with your mental functioning. Cognitive tests – such as memory or attention tests – are a great way to do this. Not only that, with regular testing, you can monitor your score and track any improvements or declines. This can be a great motivator to keep you on track with your overall mental health goals.

By following these three steps, we can preserve and keep our mind sharp at all ages.

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